Saturday, November 24, 2012

Flash Mob Philosophy

Last year on Thanksgiving me and my sister got a grand idea to do a flash mob for the black Friday shoppers at Target.  This was the result...

This year we decided to continue our tradition of crazy outfits and bad dance moves to a ridiculously catchy/popular song.   I posted an invite on Facebook for my friends and family to join me.  I was so excited and surprised at how many fabulously fun people I have in my life.   
After a few hours of creating choreography with my sister, an hour of last minute practice and prep, we had 22 people for our flash mob this year.  THANK YOU to everyone who came out to make this year even bigger and better! 

This was the result of this years fun... 

 We spend lots of time making sure we look good in front of other people by the way we dress and how we act.  Many times we believe that people will think we are silly or ridiculous when really they love when people are silly.  Why do we love kids so much?  They are silly.  Life is so short and we often take it very seriously.... take the time today and maybe just do something silly that puts a smile on someone's face.  You never know it might change their life.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Late Night / Nap Time Crafts

I don't know what got into me yesterday but once the kids were in bed I went to work on some fun crafts and the next thing you know I'm up until 2 am.  

I made this letter? letter wreath? monogram? Not sure what to call it... that "W" thingy. 
I made this for a craft exchange that I'm doing.  It will end up somewhere in Texas with a nice lady named Summer W. 

Then onto my Winter wreath.  I bought the wreath a few weeks back at a yard sale for only $0.50, I've been wanting to decorate it ever since I got it.  So I braved Michael's with my four children on Friday and somehow was able to walk out with some super cute flowers and snowflakes which were all 50-60% off yay!  I wrapped it in some fabric from an old curtain. Then started hot glueing like crazy.
When I was done I was so excited I wanted to hang it up.  I got the hook up and then tried to hang it... I ended up dropping it about 4 times before I actually got it on the hook.  Needless to say there is a nice dusting of glitter on my floor ; ) 

 After my night of crafting I just couldn't stop so today I pulled out a blank canvas and made myself a Christmasy painting.  I think I have officially fulfilled my creativity itch for the month.