This is the lovely beautiful Ryanne. I met her at the gym, she is the amazing photographer that took pics of my kids back in November. We decided to have a little fun and do some pics of each other (these are the benefits of having photographer friends).
This is my favorite. The colors. Her expression. Those eyes. Love it!!
*Location: Random blue trailer in an empty lot.
This one was a complete over exposed mistake but I played with it in Photoshop and I ended up really liking it.
Yet another accident... I was just doing a test shot to see if I had the exposure good but I like it.
Gorgeous! Ryanne has some of the best looks.
*Location: Orange conex next to an ugly motel.
The black and white in the back round is an umbrella. The sunlight is hitting from behind. She has an amazing profile and great hair!
We had a great time and laughed so hard. Ryanne is a ton of fun and a great model.