Thursday, January 14, 2010


Over the past few weeks I feel like I've been given a reminder of life

I've recently read two different blogs from women have been through the devastating loss of a precious little baby.  I am reminded of the three little lives that have been entrusted to me.  
Enjoy the small/infant moments of life

A facebook post revealed the death of a hero in Afghanistan. A husband to a wife.
Love the life with my forever boyfriend.

Haiti is destroyed by an earthquake.  Thousands of people are dying, lost, broken, devastated, homeless, hungry, hopeless.  These are strangers and yet my heart is broken.
Life can change in a moment: What am I doing with this one? 


  1. Very thought-provoking post. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Thank you, Jess. It is good sometimes to stop and think about what we have and be appreciative and thankful. It is also a great reminder to lift up others who are going through!
